Saturday, January 14, 2012

Yes Dr. King, Blacks Have A Place In The Present & Future

MLK Day Cyber Birthday Card  from the Computer Underground Railroad, J. Nayer Hardin, Founder, Conductor. 

This MLK Day we are celebrating when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. thanked Gene Roddenberry and Nichelle Nichols for their work done on the television series Star TrekDr. King noted how the series did something evolutionary for its day. The 60's science fiction television program showed Black people in the future as a vital part of the team. 

The card is based on selected readings from the book BLACK PEOPLE AND THEIR PLACE IN WORLD HISTORY by Dr. Leroy Vaughn, MD, MBA, Historian combined with historic material from Nichols and Dr. King.

"It was in Star Trek that Nichols gained popular recognition by being one of the first black women featured in a major television series not portraying a servant; her prominent supporting role as a bridge officer was unprecedented. During the first year of the series, Nichols was tempted to leave the show, as she felt her role lacked significance; however, a conversation with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., changed her mind. She has said that King personally encouraged her to stay on the show, telling her that he was a big fan of the series. He said she "could not give up" because she was playing a vital role model for black children and young women across the country, as well as for other children who would see African Americans appearing as equals.[5][6][7] It is also often reported that Dr. King added that "Once that door is opened by someone, no one else can close it again." 

Yes Dr. King, we have a place in the future. For example, the creator of the personal computer, IBM's Dr. Mark Dean.  It's in Dr. King's honor that a new community based computer training to bridge the digital divide has begun in South Central Los Angeles, the same style the railroad did in the 1990's in NYC where over 3,000 folks became computer literate.

You were right Dr. King that folks were integrated into a burning house, however, it's because everyone is needed to put out the moral and physical fires evil has started.  Only truth can set us free.

This presentation of cyber readings is in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King's 2012 birthday. They are from the Black history book BLACK PEOPLE AND THEIR PLACE IN WORLD HISTORY by Dr. Leroy Vaughn, MD, MBA, Historian 



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